Most popular software development method is Agile / Scrum project management. It’s very different from traditional waterfall model.

If you have any idea and investment for Software or Mobile app development then you need a Scrum Master.

In Scrum project management, there is 3 type of members: Product ownerScrum MasterDevelopment Team.

As a Product Owner, you must have funds to start the project and ability to take decisions about the product.The owner search for a Scrum Master with technical as well as managerial skills.

As a Scrum Master, I accept only those project/products which are possible as per my knowledge.I understand the importance of the deadline.

I have a team of developers with skills, experience and who believe in TDD (Test Driven Development ).

I prefer to have one to one meeting with product owner about the requirements and scope of the project. I will suggest you missing features and budget required.

In Scrum Software Development Method, we decide sprints and product backlog for the project. A sprint is short term module of the project in order to deliver some increment in the project.

I will take daily scrum meeting of 15 minutes before development and ask 3 questions to each Scrum Team member.

  • what did he do yesterday?
  • What will he do today?
  • Is there any issue?

If there is any issue, the Scrum Master will come up with some solution.

Why is Scrum Master needed?

A Product owner can not be Scrum Master because he should focus on the idea, investment, enhancements and earning rather than coding issues.

A developer can not be Scrum Master within the same project because he needs to think out of the box. He can not manage a team and own coding part side by side.

If you have idea for project or have any improvisation for the article. Please write in comments.

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